Benefits of Dolphins
This text briefly introduces visitors to your main services.

Benefit 1
Aside from the obvious advantage that our members have FUN, many of the skills learned will stand the Dolphins in good stead throughout their life.

Benefit 2
Dolphins learn respect for themselves, their peers and their elders.

Benefit 3
There are many opportunities to take part in activities that would not normally be available to them, such as kayaking, swimming, emergency response teams etc.

Benefit 4
They are given frequent opportunities to take charge of groups of their peers and are taught basic leadership skills.
benefit 5
No bullying, disrespect or bad behaviour is accepted – ever and veryone is treated equally and courteously.
benefit 6
All courses, activities, visits etc are free, with rare exceptions.
benefit 7
Dolphins develop pride in themselves and their team mates.
benefit 8
Most develop quite a strong sense of self discipline, arriving on time, in uniform, smartly turned out and enthusiastic about getting stuck in to their training. The drill helps to foster this.